Greetings lower-minded companions,

I am the best at coding, making Windows 10 was as simple as pressing enter, I even started from scratch because I was bored. Microsoft even paid me to cover the fact that I made it. Facebook practically begged me to make their website, it was so easy that people invented the phrase split-second to describe how fast I made it. I even made a secret feature that you can read a biography about me, of course it's written in PHP5. Apple even stole an app from me they renamed it App Store. The android A.P.K. was made with a combination of my coding languages. Google says they use Linux Ubuntu servers, but they're lying they used my version of Linux server Debian then they got embarrassed cause it wasnt the newest version but they still used it. Linux is an operating system mainly for servers. All versions of Linux are based off of my original version.

I'm so good at coding that every programming language in the world isnt strong enough to run my computer, I had to make a new coding language just to run my computer. Once I used C++ to make a famous website, and then I sold it to someone and they renamed it Twitter. The guy who the computer made a huge mistake, if he had moved the smallest wire inside of it to the front of the machine he could've made the first microprocessor and the technology that would've been today would be unimaginable, of course I dont know how to make a time machine; yet

Im so good at coding that I could recreate every famous and unfamous program out there in under 1 day. No one can compare to me at coding. I know every single programming language out there; if you make a new one, I will learn it in under a day. My mom wanted to name me Bill Gates Singer but she realized there already was a Bill gates in the world, little did she know I was gonna live up to his legacy. Well I guess she always knew I would be famous

In conclusion I am the best coder in the world, I have coded most of the famous apps and websites in the world. All companies use my systems and everyone adores me mostly because I am super smart and I can make an app to do almost anything.

Sincerely, Your master.

ps. sorry for being so modest

Sorry for no apostrophies in some parts, the coder glitched and it wouldn't load in some parts. And also I will be using this website for multiple assignments.